Dr. Jon Gant, Director at the Center for Digital Inclusion, will participate in a lightning round panel session at the Year of Cyberinfrastructure Opening Symposium. See the full agenda and RSVP information below.
Year of Cyberinfrastructure
Opening Symposium
September 30, 2014
8:30am – 12:00pm
Alice Campbell Hall Ballroom
Cyberinfrastructure (CI) is a difficult term to define and understand, and even more difficult to build. But we know it is critical to the future of our research and scholarly success and that we have to continually get it right. CI is often described as including computational systems, data/storage, data management, instrumentation, advanced networking, and communications. However, it also includes human expertise and communities working in collaboration across institutional boundaries to produce breakthrough knowledge and discoveries.
This symposium will kick off a campus conversation focused on developing a common understanding of what resources are part of CI and highlighting the use of CI to support research and education across all disciplines. This symposium is the first of a series of events that will be scheduled for the 2014-2015 academic year. The series will focus on providing examples of the use of CI across a wide range of disciplines.
Symposium Agenda:
8:30-8:35 AM | Welcome John Towns, Executive Director for Science and Technology, NCSA, University of Illinois |
8:35-8:45 AM | Year of Cyberinfrastructure Ilesanmi Adesida, Provost, University of Illinois |
8:45-9:05 AM | Overview of Year of Cyberinfrastructure / Cyberinfrastructure Master Plan John Towns, Executive Director for Science and Technology, NCSA, University of Illinois |
9:05-10:00 AM |
Keynote – “The Social Side of Cyberinfrastructure” Sally Jackson, Professor, Department of Communication, University of Illinois |
10:00-10:30 AM |
Break and Refreshments |
10:30-11:15 AM |
Lightning Round: Challenges and Opportunities in the Use of CI to Support Research Introduction and Remarks by Mark Henderson, Chief Information Officer, University of Illinois Moderated by Eric Shaffer, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, University of IllinoisSpeakers:
11:15-11:45 AM |
Closing Address – “Cyberinfrastructure and Education” Roy Campbell, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois |
11:45-12:00 PM |
Closing Remarks Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Illinois John Towns, Executive Director for Science and Technology, NCSA, University of Illinois |