Technology, Literacy, and Community
9:00am – 9:55am
Session 1 – Using Linux to Support Community Based Information Technology Resources
- The Linux Option: OS Usability in a Community Center Setting
- Implementing Technology to ESL Learners through Pilot Computing Lab
- Supporting Shelter Communities with Linux and the Cloud
10:05am – 11:00am
Session 2 – Emerging Technology and Community Engagement
- Raspberry Pi as One Button Audio Book Readers
- Using Tor for Anonymous Web Browsing
- OpenChambana: A CloudBased Platform for Media Literacy Learning in Local Community Environments
11:10am – 11:50am
Session 3 – Local Schools and Information Technology
- Schools Can Soar With the Cloud
- Building and Interactive Computer Lab: Linux for Middle School Libraries
We invite you to join us for any or all of the eight presentations. Please feel encouraged to distribute this invitation to others who might also be interested in attending.
Additional Details
Students responded to a Call for Proposals made earlier in the semester. They then participated in a peer review process of submitted abstracts responding to this semester’s theme, “Technology, Literacy, and Community,” and in particular one of the following three tracks:
- Linux and literacy programming. During the first quarter of 2013, 75% of all new mobile devices sold worldwide ran Android, which is based on the Linux operating system. New options for teaching programming to youth and adults are making use of Linux-based systems (for instance, the new Raspberry Pi systems). Specific distributions of Linux have been built to support education (for instance, Edubuntu). In large part, these trends reflect the foundations of Linux that allow for considerable customization of the operating system for specific communities. Papers in this track will explore design of a Linux distribution and/or the use of Linux-based devices for a specific community supporting literacy programming.
- The “Cloud” and literacy programming. The personal cloud may be a buzzword, but there are many Internet-based storage and application options that are having a significant impact on how digital technology is being used to support literacy programming. Mobile computing, bring-your-own-device, and platform-independent computing are but a few examples of how things are changing. Papers in this track will explore ways in which cloud computing can be used to facilitate literacy programming for a specific community.
- Community networks and literacy programming. Community networks have been around for decades and pre-date the wide use of the Internet. But what they look like have changed over time, from the early dial-in bulletin board systems, to the Internet-based Freenets and community networks, to wireless community networks, and beyond. For instance, today ultra-small computing devices are being used to open up new hyperlocal community networks, for instance those used during the Arab spring after the Internet was shut down by national governments, or those created to support emergency communications after a weather-related disaster. Papers in this track will explore the creation of new community networks for literacy programming.
Students have participated in design processes based on the new knowledge and skills learned in LIS451 that will be reflected in their presented papers. Some have taken it one step further and worked on a prototype, or in conjunction with their co-enrollment in the Community Informatics Studio, LIS490ST, have gone on to pilot their projects within the community. Proceedings from the conference will be published online shortly after the conference.