Students with an interest in broadband applications and community informatics should check out a recent post from Will Barkis, Director of the Mozilla Gigabit Community Fund (see below).
Three opportunities are listed and focus on the gigabit networks in Chattanooga, TN and Kansas City, KS. To see all job openings at Mozilla, visit For questions about jobs at Mozilla Ignite, email and learn about the organization at
Next gen communication and information technologies create new opportunities for everyone in our communities. They enhance what we can create, share and learn. They help create a bigger surface area for the mind.
Mozilla is launching a fund to support innovators in Kansas City and Chattanooga and those who want to work with them.
The Mozilla Gigabit Community Fund is a progression of the Mozilla Ignite Challenge and looks to move from gigabit prototypes to Minimum Viable Pilots by deepening a community of practice based around these two communities.
Learn more at:
Bonus: The Mozilla/US Ignite Community is about to grow by three! We are looking to hire three new people to join the internal Mozilla team working on US Ignite and the Mozilla Gigabit Community Fund.
Documentation & Design Coordinator
Community Catalyst, Chattanooga
Community Catalyst, Kansas City
Please share these positions widely or submit an application if interested!
Stay tuned for more news on the Fund. And as always, please reach out if you’d like to learn more or figure out how you can get involved.
Director, Mozilla Gigabit Community FundWill Barkis, PhD