
Library In addition to the publications below, see the following venues for more information about community informatics:


Wolske, Martin. A Radical Reconsideration of Digital Literacy. Information for Social Change 36(Summer 2016)
Van der Graaff, Sally. Digital Participation and the University of Illinois: Prairienet, Community Informatics, UC2B & CDI. 2015.
Gant, Jon (Academic Review Team Participant). Institute of Museum and Library Services, University of Washington, International City/ County Management Association. Building Digital Communities: A Framework for Action. Washington, DC: Institute of Museum and Library Services, January 2012.
Gant, Jon, and Nicol Turner-Lee. “Government Strategy: Six Strategies for More Open and Participatory Government.” The Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, February 2011.
Gant, Jon, Nicol Turner-Lee, Ying Li, Joseph S. Miller. “National Minority Broadband Adoption: Comparative Trends in Adoption, Acceptance and Use.” Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, February 2010.
Gant, Jon. “An Economic Framework to Assess the Costs and Benefits of Digital Identity Management Systems for E-government Services.” Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation, Paris 2010.
Irish, S. and Rivers, A.  (2012).  Mapping Cultural Migrations between Champaign and Chicago. (Issue 12) AREA Chicago.
Bishop, A. P. , Bruce, B. C. , Irish, S., Williams, N.S. (2012) Community Informatics for Whom? Journal of Education in Library and Information Science, 53:3, 218-221.
Irish, Sharon. (2012) The Performance of Information Flows in the Art of Stephen Willats. Information & Culture: A Journal of History, 47:4.
Wolske, M., Gibbs, D., Kehoe, A., Jones, V., and Irish, S. (2013) “Outcome of Applying Evidence-Based Design to Public Computing Centers: A Preliminary Study Journal of Community Informatics”, Journal of Community Informatics, 9(1).
Wolske, M. (2012) “A 12-year Journey from Traditional Service Learning to Community Inquiry”, Proceedings of the CIRN 2012 Community Informatics Conference: ‘Ideals meet Reality’.
Wolske, M., Rhinesmith, C., Archer, J., Bayci, E., Leuzinger, R., and McKeever, L. (2013) “Community Informatics Studio: A Model of Information Scholarship in Action”. iConference, February 12-15, 2013. [Poster]
Wolske, M. and Rhinesmith, C. (2013) “Community Informatics Studio: Designing Experiential Learning to Support Teaching, Research, and Practice.” ALISE Annual Conference, January 22-25, 2013. [Featured Presentation Award]
Wolske, M. (2012) “Technology Education and Engaged Scholarship: The Professional, Personal, and Political”. National Outreach Scholarship Conference, September 30 – October 3, 2012.
Kehoe, Adam, Wolske, Martin, and Rhinesmith, Colin (2011) “Disentangling Measurement in Community Informatics”, Prato CIRN Community Informatics Conference 2011, 9-11 November 2011
Rhinesmith, Colin, Wolske, Martin, and Kehoe, Adam. (2011) “Measuring the Impact of Citizen Journalism: A Study of Community Newsrooms in North Champaign and East St. Louis, Illinois”, Prato CIRN Community Informatics Conference 2011, 9-11 November 2011 [Best Conference Paper Award]
Wolske, M. and Bievenue, L. (2010) “Innovation Diffusion and Broadband Deployment in East St. Louis, Illinois, USA”, Prato CIRN-DIAC Community Informatics Conference 2010: Vision and Reality in Community Informatics, 27-29 October 2010
Wolske, M., Williams, N.S., Noble, S.U., Johnson, E.O., and Duple, R.Y. (2010) “Effective ICT Use for Social Inclusion”, iConference 2010 Proceedings, 312-316.
Wolske, M., Johnson, E., and Adams, P. (2009) “Citizen Professional Toolkits: Empowering Communities Through Mass Amateurization”, Prato CIRN Conference 2009: Empowering communities: learning from community informatics practice, 4-6 November 2009
Adams, P. and Wolske, M. (2009) “From Top Down to Bottom Up to Top Down and Bottom Up: A Practitioner’s View”, Proceedings of the 3rd International IDIA Development Informatics Conference, 28-30 October 2009